Saturday, April 26, 2014

Last Big Run

If you told me 6 weeks ago that in 5 weeks time I would be able to run 18km, I would have laughed at you. If you told me that I would be doing it in 1hour 30mins, I probably would have just walked away. But I did.

In one week from today I, along with my team will be taking on the Busselton Half Ironman. We were a late entry into the event, after our swimmer decided spontaneously one day that she wanted to be involved in the event. Two days later she asked me to run. At the time, my longest run in the past month had been 10km due to injury, and I was pretty happy with that effort.

All of a sudden my whole training routine, direction and focus was turned up side down and I had to find a way to get from running 10km to racing 21km in 6 weeks time. Not ideal but it was going to happen. First few weeks of training, and I was still doubting myself and my capabilities. I've done my fair share of solo races and some team stuff in the swimming world - which I was raised in and had no hesitations when it came to racing there.

But running a half marathon when two other people were depending on me to not only finish the race but run it some what well was making me VERY nervous and I felt a bit of pressure. But I stuck to the plan and here I am now, two 18km runs under my belt and seven days to go until race day, and I actually think I will be able to do this.

So today I am thankful for the help I have received from a number of different people to help me get to this point, the advice that has been thrown at me, and probably most of all - the belief and support that others have had in me to help me also believe that I can do this.

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