Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunny Saturday Morning

We trained this Saturday morning gone at 8am and it's already 26 degrees. It's April! Just when we thought winter was on it's way, Mother Nature throws another curve ball with a maximum of 35 degrees yesterday.

One round into our 24 minutes AMRAP and we thought that this was not going to be too bad. On the way running back up this hill, yeah it was a little warm. Second round....oh wow, this wasn't going to be easy thanks to the combination of the hill and the heat. Surviving the workout and taking a few minutes to catch our breath, we decided the finish off the morning with a bear crawl. Well unfortunately due to the piece of purple plastic on my arm, I cheered on this lovely lady as she backwards bear crawled the infamous Forrest Street.

We got to the top and just sat. For a good twenty minutes. It was too nice-a day not to! As much as I do love winter, I equally like these sunny mornings where you can just sit with a friend for a while, not needing to get out of the elements and there is nothing in particular you have to do. Perfect start to a weekend! 

Get Outside!

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