Monday, April 21, 2014

Family Easter

I love how holidays bring people together. This Easter seemed to just keep bringing people out of the woodwork in my family anyway.

Sunday saw us gathering at my mums parent house down in Mandurah. The tradition is normally us four, my mums sister with her husband and two kids and my grandparents coming together for an Easter Egg Hunt (my 8 year old cousin still a big believer). This year however we added a whole heap of extra bodies.

My grandma's sister and partner were back in town so they came along, as did her two daughters (my second cousins) their partners and children. Family reunited! So this year's egg hunt was on a blown up scale and took a couple of bodies to execute.

Holiday's such as these ones give everyone the chance to be in the same place at the same time, which in the busy world we live in so rarely happens these days. Catching up with family that I haven't see in years was a fantastic way to spend my Easter Sunday. How did you spend yours?

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