Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Short Working Week

What is almost as good as a long weekend? The short working week that comes with the long weekend. And this year we have really lucked in! Easter spaning Friday to Monday, followed by ANZAC Day coming up on the following Friday...3 DAY WEEK!!!!!!!!

It's Wednesday, but it feels like a Tuesday because it's the second working day, but then it also feels like a Monday because I am going to my Leeming practice, which I normally do on a Monday, and I haven't been there yet this week....soooooo confused!

But it's Wednesday and that would normally mean that there are still two more days left in the working week before the weekend rolls around again, and it's not. It's only one!!! My body is all over the place because of this! Not only has work been all muddled up, but so has training and my normal home routine - for example this morning I treated a friend from home that I would normally treat on a Tuesday, but it's Wednesday!!! She left and I thought to myself 'ok I have to get ready for PD at work' but I don't. See? Completely messed up!

So although I have no idea what day it is and where I am suppose to be (I apologize if I just don't turn up to something over the next few days) I am more then thankful that there is only one more day before it's a long weekend again!!

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