Friday, April 11, 2014

People Around

I had a forty minute break yesterday between patients in the middle of the shift. I could have written some of my doctors letters in this time, but the other two guys that were working were a little busy and I knew they would be coming in and out of our office, wanting to check the diary on the computer which I would be using to write the letters. So I decided to give them a miss for now and would do them later.

Instead I went and sat on the plinth in the cubicle that no one uses and got some other work done on my iPad. This one is confined by curtains and we often put bags in this one to keep them out of the way. I had left the curtain partially open so the boys could see I was there as they walked back to the office.

One guy had just finished with a patient and was coming back to write notes, while the other was still treating. He walks past me and then doubles back and comes to have a rant with me about patients and booking times, and them complaining we don't make ourselves available enough to suit them. Rant was completed and he went into the office.

Seconds later he was back and decided that despite of all the perfectly reasonable places to sit and write his notes, he was lonely and want to come and sit on the end of the plinth I was on. Big softie! The final Physio walked past at this moment and took a double take at the two of us sitting squashed on this plinth and then at the empty office...'He was lonely?' I said.

So I'm not really sure what I'm thankful for here, I think that sometimes it's just better to have people around you, even if your not talking to them or doing anything in particular. It's just better to have people present.

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