Monday, April 7, 2014

Changing Up The Run

Sunday morning is the morning of my middle distance type run, little bit or varied pace, but over all trying to run a little bit quicker then my really long run on Tuesdays. I would normally be running around the river or along the foreshore, but today there was the Bridged Fun Run, so I didn't really want to get caught up in that crowd.

Time for a change in scenery. I went for my run this morning in Kings Park instead of the usual foreshore stuff I normally do. And what comes with Kings Park? Hills. This was a pretty nice one.

I think I was really dreading this run today. I had been super tired for the past couple of days am really just not feeling it at the moment, but knew I had to make myself to it anyway. The half marathon was coming whether I liked it or not. So I was a little worried how this was going to go. Surprisingly well.

Normally I get to the bottom of the hill and am like uhhhhh, why!? Not today. Powered up these hills, and there were a few of them too. And I got to the top of the hills and each time I felt better then I did when I was at the bottom. The change in scenery and change in terrain did me good today.

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