Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. This tends to happen often and mostly because my brain just won't shut up! Last night was no exception.

May is rapidly approaching, and May is a big month. I think I am nervous, about the whole month. I'm five days out from the Half Ironman...WHAT?!?!?! I know that I am 100% capable of completing this race, but I am still freaking out with a capital F. So running through my mind are all the things I need to start pulling out and packing - yep, I am an early packer, I like to be organised. All the things I need to do and have done before I leave for Busselton Friday morning, and my physical prep leading up to the race.

Following the Half, I am staying down south for a couple of days, with the plan of ultimately, sorting my life out.  There is a lot that I want to get through and I having been putting it off with knowing in the back of my mind that I was going away to do this for months now. So I am thinking about what I have to pull together for all of this.

At the end of the month with my two partners in crime, we are competing in a Team Crossfit Competition. In the Intermediate division...as first timers. AHHHHHHHHH!! We are all feeling a little overwhelmed, underprepared and super nervous about what is going to be thrown at us and how we are going to handle it. We are going through crash courses in Snatching, doing a large number of chin ups and toes to bars and just frying out wrists and hands. But there is my other problem...I still have a wrist out of action and in a splint. I haven't done push ups in a month now. All my upper body strength is going to be wavering. On top of that...I have back issues which has posed a problem with my squatting for as long as I can remember. And in a months time, I need to be able to front squat 40kg. Fantastic. So yeah, nervous doesn't even really cut it with that one.

So what do I do when I can't sleep? I write lists. I categorise my lists. I have a lot of lists. Thank heavens for the reminders app on my phone which makes my copious number of lists somewhat manageable. The hope is that once the list is out of my head and in my phone, there is one less thought buzzing about in my head and gives me a greater chance of falling asleep.

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