Friday, April 25, 2014

Lest We Forget

2014 commemorates the beginning of the 100 year anniversary since the beginning of World War 1 in 1914 and the 25th of April brings about the celebration of ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand.

ANZAC Day celebrates the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and all the soldiers in the forces who fought for the freedom of our country and the people living here. We celebrate those who went and fought, the medical staff, the engineers, pilots, captains, troops and all other serving staff. We celebrate their sacrifices, their commitment and dedication to their country, those who returned home, those who were wounded and those who didn't survive the war.

If it wasn't for these extremely brave and courageous men and women, we would not be living in a country with such freedom and opportunity that we do today.

My grandfather was one of the serving men that helped to defend our country in the Vietnam War from 1956 to 1975 as an engineer. He was lucky enough to return home to his family relatively unharmed and was here to see his children and grandchildren grow up. At age 8, I was the first of the six grandchildren to march in this days annual parade with him. As the years passed, each grand child took it in turns to walk proudly beside our grandfather and he only left us recently, 5 years ago.

But every year, ANZAC Day is a special day for our family. Although we don't always go to the Dawn Service or the Parade like we use to when we were younger, we look back on the sacrifices made by our grandfather and all his comrades and thank them, for the lives we live today.

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