Monday, April 28, 2014

Saving The Hands

After last weekend's #shirtsoffsaturday session, I ended up with a nice big flap off skin hanging off my hand, blood and a weeping hand for the next few days. Very painful and impractical! I refer to this as the 'Trap Bar' incident. So I was coming in to this weekend prepared. Rock Tape! Our crew (only the chicks today though) got all taped up in the hope that our hands would survive another day!

The workout of the day: 2 Box Jumps, 2 Toes to Bar, 2 Overhead Squats -> 4x each, 6, 8, 10....
As many rounds as possible in 16 minutes. 

It was a long 16 minutes! And although the hands weren't loving life, they did survive with no more tears or calluses added to the mix, so I consider the morning a success! Rock tape is an amazing thing for both injury prevention, recovery, proprioception and of course...saving the hands. I love the stuff and use it almost daily for myself and for my clients. If you are yet to give it a shot or are a bit skeptical about it, try it!! You have nothing to lose.

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