Saturday, April 5, 2014

Getting Splinted

It's been coming for a few posts now...but yep, I'm now in a wrist splint. And more so because I continue to push on despite what I feel. This way, I can't. Fantastic.

So what happened? I was teaching my boxing class 10 days prior and paired myself to catch one of the strongest guys in the class, who does tend to throw some wild punches, which not everyone a able to handle. I have worked with him many times before and tend to be able to control him pretty well.

But all it takes is one punch, and that was a right upper cut. I felt it straight away and knew some damage had been done. It was lucky we were doing freestyle at that point and the class was almost over. So for the remaining 1 min 30 secs he did only left hand work.

I tried really hard to follow my own physio advice and I did what I was suppose to. I iced, compressed, ultra sounded at work at least once a day, it was strapped and immobilised. I worked using my left hand. But you know how these things work, you forget there a problem and go to use and PING, it goes again. So I wasn't trying to push through the pain, I was honestly doing my best to work with a stable wrist and doing what needed to be done. I really was trying to rest it!

But a full week on and no improvement what so ever...time to get further help. I got my manager at work to check it, and had an OT Upper Limb Specialist appointment the following morning, both of who confirmed what I had been thinking...tear to my Triangular Fibro Cartilage Complex. Dammit!

So back to the splint. Like I said before, I have been put in it as a precaution because of all my work that is predominately through my wrists and hands. Hardest thing so far? Tying up my hair!

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