Friday, April 18, 2014

Pushing Through

This is true. This morning I had a big run a head of me. Because I have been sick this week, my long run Tuesday has been pushed to a long run Friday. Almost 2 weeks out from the Half Ironman, I needed to get 18km in this week. I am now confident that I do have the fitness to get through this 21km. So the 18km was more for my own piece of mind, so I can go into the race knowing that I have run this far before, and I can do it again. I will finish the run, but I want to complete it comfortably and as well as I could possibly do it. I don't want to regret anything.

So this morning I had to be at my cousins house at 8.30 for family thing we had on. If I went straight there it would be around 8km. So I decided that I would use this opportunity to get this 18km in and would detour a little. I ran the 10km loop of the bridges, then out along the freeway, over into Applecross, along the Applecross beach and then headed to her place.

Now after my failed attempt at a run on Wednesday, and having not done too much since then, I was a little nervous as to how this was going to go. Which is how this quote first sprung to mind...I had to keep going until I got there.

Luckily for me, I wasn't feeling as unwell while running today...leading to the second reason behind this quote. 18km is a long way. There were a few times a long the way when I thought to myself "This was hurting, what are you doing Chloe? This is stupid". But it is very much eyes on the prize and I was not going to stop until it was done!

All of this reminded me or another one I love, which is along the same lines.

Fitness is 100% mental. Your body won't go where you mind won't push it.

I couldn't agree more. Everyone had the physical capacity to do whatever they want to do, you just have to set your mind to it 100% and not give up. You can always keep pushing, keep fighting, it is your mind that tells you to stop, not your body.

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