Thursday, April 3, 2014

She Did It Again

Late last week I posted about having a lovely clean car after taking my car to the Magic Hands Car Wash. It was awesome to have a sparkly clean car because no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get it clean enough. But true to Murphy's Law, it rained the next day. And when I say poured. No more clean car. Oh well, it was nice for 24 hours there.

Now I don't know if mum felt sorry for me that I was so excited about my clean car before it rained, or the thought of me leaving is growing in her mind? But yesterday SHE WASHED IT FOR ME!!!!! I was sitting doing some work in the study, from where I have a good view of our drive way and the cars and I look up at some point and see her waving the sponge over my car!! Yay.

So I am back to cleanliness over my car again and I am so grateful to my mum for going out of her way to do that for me.

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