Sunday, April 27, 2014

Grey's Anatomy

I own every season that has been released so far and have seen every episode at least three or four times. And I could probably watch them another five or six times each and they would still keep me guessing. Easily my favourite series.

So when I finished running around doing everything I had to get done for my Saturday morning and knew I was suppose to be trying to chill out for a few hours, I knew I was going to have to have something seriously good on in the back ground to try and keep me there as long as possible. I knew this wasn't going to be my sole focus, so I was doing mobility, working out my weekly plan, organising photos, making walking date plans for that arvo and semi watching Grey's all at the same time.

Considering completing a Physiotherapy degree at Uni is almost as good as going through Medicine, some days I would accept Grey's as a form of study. I can proudly say that twice I have picked up errors in the scripting when it can to Neurosurgery...see very educational. It use to be my study break.

Today I am thankful for one of the two TV series I know have the best chances of holding my in one place for longer then 5 minutes at a time, in the small hope of letting me chill out, recover, and get ready for the week ahead.

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