Friday, April 4, 2014

Busy Days

Thursdays always seem to be my hump day. I tend to get through Wednesday pretty well, but hit my wall on the Thursday. Some days I don't know what is better to do - try and 'rest' on these days, or pack them full so I don't have the chance to feel tired, after all nothing makes a day go faster then packing a lot into it. And today I definitely managed to do that! I was up at 4.45 this morning, packing bags and sorting out my mail from yesterday before heading to the gym for a 6am training session. Following training, I did a prac hour for my course and then went to teach Anatomy to a friend, but was on a time limit as I needed to go back to the OT to get my wrist splinted (another story for another day). By the time we got settled, we were running out of time to get through any decent amount of we just ended up chatting instead.

Shot off from there to get my splint fitted before finally getting home for the morning at around 9.45. Did a little bit of work from home, managed to quickly cook something for dinner later that night (which was extremely difficult with my now restricted range of wrist motion). Before I knew it I was running out the door again back to work. And my patient load was huge!

A full arvo of patients and all follow ups meant I had back to back 20 minute appointments, no time to even think! So again my afternoon went flew by pretty quick and before I knew it I was back in the car driving back to the gym again for some more PT and training. 8pm rolls around and it's home time. Day is not quite over though, one more patient (my dad) before sorting out my weekend clients before crashing at around 10pm. Only to wake up and do it all again tomorrow. The only difference...tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

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