Tuesday, April 22, 2014

An Incredibly Funny Saturday

In typical Saturday fashion, the Shirts Of Saturday crew gathered again, but with a slightly different purpose. Of course we got a quick workout done, but then the remainder of the morning was spent filming my final assessment for my Certificate IV in Fitness.

This involved filming a few different assessments, followed by a couple soft tissue release and mobilisers to improve the posture and movement of the person being assessed. The list of mobilisers I could choose from for the assessment did not include any of the techniques I would generally pick with either my mobility class or my Physio patients. So I just ended up picking two that closely resembled what I was trying to achieve with the training program I was designing for the assessment. One of them - the Segmented Step and Reach.

I didn't realise how difficult it was until I tried to teach it, first to my 'client' for my assessment who got the hang of it relatively quickly with just a couple of practice attempts. But then we decided that this guy could step out from behind the camera quickly and have a shot at it also.

Funniest thing I have seen in a long time! He just couldn't piece together the sticking your hip out in one direction while stepping and pushing your hand in the other. He could do them separately but not at the same time. Hilarious to watch Mr Muscles trying to coordinate his limbs!! Filming had to be put on hold for a couple of minutes while we regathered our composure and were able to carry on.

You gather this group of people and there is ALWAYS something to laugh about which is one of the many things I love about them. Saturdays are always a funny day when they are involved, this one just happened to be a particularly funny one!

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