Thursday, April 10, 2014

Distress Call

Yesterday at work, I had three of them. The first was a friend who shins were hurting to touch, walk and drive. I got her call while I was still at home, and from there called work and got her in...just in time. Because when I got into work an hour later, my diary which had 6 available appointments when I left the day before, was completely full.

Which leads me to call number two. I treat a teenage swimmer who is flying out for nationals tomorrow. I came out to see his mum in the waiting room (he was getting out of his uniform) and she tells me his breaststroke is just not feeling right, and on close watch at training earlier that day, he was leaning slightly to one side on every stroke. His coached asked him to try and get into physio before he gets on the plane tomorrow. He has called his mum from school to get her to get him in to see me. She said to him, it's very last minute, what if you can't get in to see Chloe? Will you see anyone else. No, he would only see me. Awww!!!

The final call was lucky, because another friend who I had booked in had cancelled last minute creating this final appointment spot. My receptionist came out to my office while I was writing notes quickly saying this lady was desperate to see me today and would it be ok to slot her into that spot. When she told me who it was, I laughed and said of course. She is another one of those who will only see me, so I would do what needs to be done to get her in. She hobbled in, and had re-torn her calf, again!! Bloody netball!

So although getting these distress calls is never good for the clients because it means they are worse off, I am thankful that they trust me to help them and get them through what ever it is they are doing, and that I am in the position to have the skills to help them.

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