Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Grid Rollers

Ever tried one of these bad boys? If that was a no...get on it! It takes foam rollers to a whole new level. It has ridges and grooves specifically designed to hurt you. And it does.

I don't think I would still be walking if I didn't have my grid roller. I have been running A LOT and because my arm is still out of action, my legs have been coping an absolute beating. By my third day of legs in a row, quads had nothing left to give.

Split squats were wobbly as hell, jump squats barley left the ground and pistol squats were just one big fail!. So had to come home and mash out my legs a little to be able to walk back through the gym door to run a mobility class.

It's not just the quads that have been feeling the roller love. As I build up my running for the 1/2 marathon which is now three weeks away (ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!) the calves are getting increasing wound up, stiff and painful.  So the calves are loving this round piece of foam covered plastic as much as the quads are. The only down side, I can't weight bear through my wrist to hold the rolling position for long enough.

But seriously, get rolling!

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