Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Western Power

Not that I actually know what Western Power do (I'm guessing supply power to homes, businesses, streets etc), what I do know its that Western Power were having to cut the power to the street which my practice is located on today due to road works. So what does this mean?

DAY OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

On a Tuesday as well, its like a mid week break, its awesome! It would have been possible to still treat at the practice, but it meant we couldn't adjust our bed height - high risk of injury to ourselves, couldn't access our diaries, would be treating in the dark and had no access to our EPA agents. So no one opted to work. Not complaining.

I had to get a long run done in the morning, but there was no time constraint I was working around. So I set no alarm, but due to my automatic body clock, I was still out the door by 6.15 after wasting some time around the house. I could take my time getting all my stuff done around the house, I met a friend in the city for a walk and chat because it had been months since our last talk.

It was a day for me to slow down, catch a breath and clear my head a bit. Thankyou Western Power!!

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